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Thursday, September 5, 2024


Young Talent from around the world

Our Business Talent programt helps companies fulfill their Human Resources needs with skilled young talent. Receive global interns and gain a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Bring an international perspective to your Company

Contact us and we’ll help
With us, sourcing international talent becomes as easy as recruiting in your local market. Through our platform, you gain access to multiple suitable candidates and manage your selection process on the go with us
Global perspective in your company
Behind every successful company, there is a diverse global workforce. Receive global inputs in your business operations by recruiting the fresh perspective of millennials from around the world and the dynamic environment they bring to the company.
Boost your work culture
Millennials and Gen Z are bound to dominate half the global workforce by 2022. Adapt to new trends and become millennial-friendly. Our talent solutions are always bringing a youthful edge to the corporate cultures around the world.

Get started with 4 steps

1. Publish a job opportunity
Get free access to our platform and browse our international talent pool. Posting internship offerings are easy and don’t cost you anything, you only pay once you accept a candidate for your opportunity. Contact us
2. Shortlist & Select
Shortlist your applicants and we contact suitable candidates for an interview through skype. Bring your co-workers onboard and select the ideal candidate for your organization.
3. Visa and logistics
PHIVolunteering  will facilitate the visa process, prepare the intern for the intercultural experience and take care of all needed logistics before and after arrival.
4. Intern’s support and development
Together, we will provide spaces for your intern to reflect on their learnings and their personal development journey. Our goal is to contribute to their development whilst contributing to your organization growth
For NGOs
Our Social Volunteer program  for NGOs brings together international youth from around the world to work on social impact projects that contribute toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
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For Social Startups and NGOs
Our tech giving  program connects social startups  or NGO with bright minds, ready to learn and contribute. Bring an international perspective and a fresh energy through international tech professionals.
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