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Monday, October 21, 2024

Criminal Background Checks

To participate on an PHIVolunteering volunteer program, all volunteers are required to send  a criminal background to their program manager  before starting an PHIVolunteering program. The background check requirement is a key part of the PHIVolunteering Responsible Volunteer Travel Policy and PHIVolunteering Child Protection Policy.
Please ensure you allow sufficient time to acquire this document before you depart, as processing times vary. A background check is important to determine whether any serious criminal offense has been recorded against your name. The check must be issued within 12 months of your program start date and is required to be presented in English. If your background check cannot be issued in English, the original must be accompanied by an English translation done by a professional translation service or notary public.
Below is some guidance on criminal background check providers for a number of nationalities. Please be aware that each provider will have different requirements for what is to be supplied as part of the background check, prices and anticipated turnaround times. PHIVolunteering  recommends applying for your criminal background check well in advance of your departure.
While PHIVolunteering has tried to make sure that each provider will provide you with a quality service, we do not take responsibility for the quality or completeness of the report provided by the organization selected.
For nationalities not listed below, please contact your local police station for advice or contact your PHIVolunteering Program Manager.
USA – www.sentrylink.com (The “National Criminal Background Check” is required by PHIVolunteering)
Canada – www.backcheck.net/criminalrecordchecks.htm
UK – www.disclosurescotland.co.uk/basicdisclosureonline
Australia – www.policecheckexpress.com.au/individuals
New Zealand – www.justice.govt.nz/criminal-records
France – www.cjn.justice.gouv.fr
China – Your application must be done in person. Volunteers should apply for a Certificate of No Criminal Record at the local Public Security Bureau (PSB) in the district of your residence shown on your Household Register (hukou), and then make an application to the notary office for a certificate based on the PSB document. Please note, a professional English translation will be required.


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