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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Responsible Volunteering

We know that PHIVolunteering volunteers want to make a genuine difference when they are volunteering abroad. We also know that they expect PHIVolunteering and our partners to operate responsibly and to make a lasting positive contribution to communities. We could not agree more and we have long had a commitment to these two principles as a core part of the PHIVolunteering approach.
As a global organization, PHIVolunteering and its volunteers interact with a vast network of people, communities and ecosystems everyday. We plan to be around for a while so we are committed to making sure that these interactions are positive ones. In short, if we act responsibly and always consider the long-term impact of our programs and operations then we are not only supporting the communities we work with, but we are also ensuring that our organization can continue to thrive long into the future. That is what sustainability means to us.
The following policies outline our approach to addressing a number of issues that are important to our long-term sustainability. Of course, none of them mean that you can not have fun as well.
PHIVolunteering Responsible Volunteer Travel Policy
The implementation of responsible volunteer travel practices is paramount to any high quality international volunteer program. Learn how PHIVolunteering leads the way. Read more
PHIVolunteering Volunteer Abroad Training
Sample the interactive volunteer training available exclusively to PHIVolunteering volunteers to build an understanding of important aspects that need to be considered before embarking on an PHIVolunteering program. Read more
PHIVolunteering Child Protection Policy
Ensuring children and other vulnerable people are protected from harm and exploitation at all times is critically important when it comes to volunteer travel. Learn how PHIVolunteering ensures children and vulnerable adults are safeguarded. Read more
PHIVolunteering Guidance for Selecting Childcare Volunteer Placements
Working on the right projects with the right organizations is vital to ensuring we make a positive difference in communities. Sharing best practice advice across the volunteer travel sector helps us all to improve. Learn how PHIVolunteering carefully selects the childcare organizations it works with. Read more
PHIVolunteering Animal Welfare Policy
Learn how PHIVolunteering ensures the rights and welfare of animals and wildlife are protected and improved in all programs that involved interaction with volunteers. Read more
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