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About ONE

Bobby Shriver Co-founder, ONE and (RED)
Bobby ShriverCo-founder, ONE and (RED)

ONE is a campaigning and advocacy organisation of more than seven million people around the world taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa.

We believe the fight against poverty isn’t about charity, but about justice and equality.

Whether lobbying political leaders in world capitals or running cutting-edge grassroots campaigns, ONE pressures governments to do more to fight AIDS and other preventable, treatable diseases in the poorest places on the planet, to empower small-holder farmers, to expand access to energy, and to combat corruption so governments are accountable to their citizens. Cofounded by Bono and other activists, ONE is strictly nonpartisan.

ONE’s 7 million members are critical to this work. They come from every walk of life and from across the political spectrum. They’re artists and activists, faith and business leaders, students and scientists. They take action day in, day out — organising, mobilising, educating, and advocating so that people will have the chance not just to survive, but to thrive.

ONE teams in Washington, D.C., New York, London, Johannesburg, Brussels, Berlin and Paris educate and lobby governments to shape policy solutions that save and improve millions of lives — and which every year are under threat from cuts and other priorities.

ONE is not a grant-making organisation and we do not solicit funding from the public or receive government funds. ONE is funded almost entirely by foundations, individual philanthropists and corporations.

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Poverty is Sexist

Sexism is global. The fight against it should be too.
Sexism is global. The fight against it should be too.

Sexism is global. The fight against it should be too.

Sign the letter and send a powerful message: we won’t end extreme poverty without ending global gender inequality.

Join 208,734 others who have come together to send a powerful message: we won’t end extreme poverty without ending global gender inequality.

Get Involved

Dear World Leaders,

Nowhere on earth do women have as many opportunities as men. Nowhere.

While the debate around this truth rages everywhere, girls and women living in extreme poverty – those often hit hardest by the injustice of gender inequality – have been left out of the conversation.

This must change. The fight for gender equity is global.

Some 62 million girls are denied the right to education. Half a billion women can’t read. 155 countries still have laws that discriminate against women.

Last year, you signed up to end extreme poverty, and because poverty is sexist, you promised to tackle the gender inequality that keeps people poor.

This year, there are a series of historic opportunities to test your commitment and to make meaningful progress by delivering:

  • Funding in 2016 at the Nutrition for Growth and Global Fund Summits to help girls and women fight HIV and malnutrition, because it is an outrage that girls account for 74% of all new HIV infections among adolescents in Africa and 40% of women on the continent suffer from anaemia which results in 20% of maternal deaths;
  • Policies which support female economic empowerment: access to electricity, connectivity, education and justice, so girls and women have the right to own property, start a business and decide when and whether to marry;
  • Better data on the girls and women we can’t see, don’t know exist and therefore can’t yet deliver for.

International Women’s Day must be about advancing girls and women everywhere. PositivHub social platform of NGOs to transform the world




At Positiv Hub we take our reputation seriously. We do not manage third-party resources. Donors must relate directly to the organization that is published.

Positiv Hub does not support with grants and donations. It does not receive help from public funds. It is funded by foundations, individual philanthropists and corporate social responsibility.



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