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The Interfaith Encounter Association is dedicated to promoting peace in the Middle East through interfaith dialogue and cross-cultural study. We believe that, rather than being a cause of the problem, religion can and should be a source of the solution for conflicts that exist in the region and beyond.

In Greater Details

It’s easy to watch the news at a time like this and feel powerless. But despite this latest flareup of hostility in the Holy Land, and with the help of the Interfaith Encounter Association, we are coming together – now more than ever – to build bridges, overcome prejudice by replacing it with face-to-face knowledge, and thus ensure a better future for ourselves and our children.

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Training 80 Youth Encounter Leaders


An intensive weekend retreat, with 80 Israelis and Palestinians young adults, creates the space for positive first interaction with ‘the other’, trains them in active interfaith encounter and how to lead it, and consolidates them into a joint community that then starts regular monthly encounters. This was tried numerous times and proved effective.


Intensive 2 day retreat: 3 sessions of joint interfaith conversation – from the perspectives of the 3 religions and around retreat’s theme, prayer session, social evening and joint meals and stay. Ends with evaluation and planning for the future. During the retreat the participating young adults are trained in the extremely effective active Interfaith Encounter Approach – which facilitates deep interaction, reviels similarities and teaches to handle differences constructively.

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